Thursday, June 11, 2020

Scroll Text - Arik of House Gladiqui Scoparum - Award of Arms 2015

Scroll Text - Arik of House Gladiqui Scoparum - Award of Arms 2015

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Award of Arms

Various are the traits that make a good warrior. Timothy, by skill and might, King of Sylvan AEthelmearc and Gabrielle, Queen of beauty and grace, to Our trusty and welbeloved servant, Arik of House Gladiqui Scoparum, on the reading or hearing of Our receipt, greetings. We will and charge you, for your skill with the blade and your courage in the shieldwall, set aside the life of the common soldier and prepare yourself for command as a Lord within Our army and Our Kingdom, for We will and desire to Award you Arms and command you, at your earliest convenience, consult with Our college of heralds for such Arms that you will bear from this day until the end of days. And these Our letters shall be your warrant in this behalf. Given under Our Signet on the twenty and seventh day of June, in the fiftieth year of the Society, in Our Barony of Thescorre, at Pax Interruptus.

inspired by a warrant to the Exchequer from Henry VII for the payment of 20 pounds to Sergeant Thomas Englisshe, 10/16/1498

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