Sunday, July 7, 2024

Scroll Text - Arinbjorn Lodenhodi - Award of Arms

Scroll Text - Arinbjorn Lodenhodi - Award of Arms

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Award of Arms

Unto all to whom these present letters may come, hear the words of King Murdoch and Queen Rioghnach, Strength and Grace of Sylvan AEthelmearc. Greetings. For as much as We have been informed by Lords, Ladies, and Nobles of Our Realm that Our trusty and well beloved Arinbjorn Lodenhodi has taken many takes upon his shoulders, We are right pleased with the work that he has done for Our Lands and Our people, while cooking, retaining, teaching youth fighters, and other tasks too numerous to list here, that We are right moved to make him a Lord and award him Arms.  Thus were Our hands moved At Pax Interruptus, in Our Barony of Thescorre, in the 59th year of the Society.

inspired by 1432-36SC1/44/8 Letter of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, to the Chancellor

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