Saturday, July 13, 2024

Scroll Text - Rhys of Myles Ende - Millrind 2024

 Scroll Text - Rhys of Myles Ende - Millrind 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Service Award

Murdoch and Rioghnach, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmarc and the Seven Great Baronies, as well as all of the Shires, Cantons, and Dominions within Our Lands, to Our Trusty and Wellbeloved Order of the Millrind, on the reading of Our Receipt, greetings. We will and charge you, Our Order, for the Service of Rhys of Myles Ende in the realm of websmithing, and of those skills of making events run smoothly, as well as tireless work that he thought was unseen, that you deliver upon the said Rhys of Myles Ende, as mentioned above, a badge bearing the arms of your Order, to wit, Fieldless, a millrind argent, as well as this receipt which shall be Our Warrant for full and complete entry into the Noble Order of the Millrind from this day unto the end of days. Given by Our hands in the 59th Year of the Society, near to the Ides of July, at St. Swithin’s Bog's Three Day Event.

inspired by Warrant (Sign Manual) for an imprest at the receipt of the Exchequer from Henry VII 10/16/1498

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