Sunday, June 23, 2024

Scroll Text - Philippa Faye of Rockford - Award of Arms

Scroll Text - Philippa Faye of Rockford - Award of Arms

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Award of Arms

Pray attend to the words of Murdoch and Rioghnach, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc. To the commons and nobility of AEthelmearc, greetings. We will and command you, Our subjects, to bear witness of the fine deeds of Faye.* For her work on the fencing field, her service to those who are in need of sustenance and her work at Pennsic is most pleasing to Us and is deserving of Our attention. Thus, We will and command Our Herald to deliver, or cause to be delivered, unto Our welbeloved Faye,* the rank of Lady and such arms as are befitting of one of her new rank and besides such other benefits as We mean towards her for her said service. And these Our letters shall be sufficient warrant in this behalf. Given by Our hands, at our Castle in the Shire of Sterlynge Vayle, the 22nd day of June, AS59, at QRC.

* Short for Philippa Faye of Rockford (I was informed of the name change after the scroll had been caligraphed, so I added a footnote to the scroll.) 

inspired by Privy Seal Letter from Elizabth I to the Treasure and Chamberlains of the Exchequer for payment of a certain sum to the person named therein (27 September, 1564)

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