Sunday, April 8, 2018

Modified to meet SCA Standards

Now it's no longer a safety issue.

As I said in my Nobel Prize winning post Hold! Hold I say! [1] This group of archers from the Luttrell Psalter are not performing safe archery. That one dude standing in front of the other archers. Where is the marshal?

Well, I am working on this image, once again, and I am making it adhere to SCA target archery standards. The dude in front is now in the rear, perhaps acting as the marshal. Or, perhaps, talking smack to the other archers. "WTF! The target is ten feet away, and only three of you punks have manage to hit it! It's bigger than you are. Y'all are not Pennsic ready and we're going to lose the War Point!"

Apparently, the dude I drew is a jerk.

[1] Caleb has never done anything deserving of a Nobel Prize. And they don't hand them out for blog posts.

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