Monday, April 13, 2015

Another one done

Here is another scroll blank; this one is inspired by British Library, Sloane MS 1975, Folio 13r. This scroll is a perfect example of how I make scrolls.
1) Find a nice, high resolution image. "This would be a great idea for a scroll. It looks great and I can do it 'cause it's going to be easy."
2) Trace the design. "Hmmm. It's a bit more complicated than I thought, but I can do it 'cause it's going to be easy."
3) Start putting paint down. "My colors aren't working. I must not know what I'm doing. This is going to look awful. Why did I choose these colors?"
4) Start filling in all of the elements. "Why did I do this image? Nothing I'm doing looks like the original image."
4) Start the shading. "Now I know I don't know what I'm doing. This looks terrible. I might as well throw it away and never do it again."
5) Start inking the outlines. "All I'm doing is making a huge mess. This will never be good enough to give away as a award. Why did I even bother."
6) Notice that I can't number a list correctly. "Why did I bother to blog this? Now everyone will know how bad my work is and that I can't count."
7) Start the highlighting. "You know... This doesn't look half bad. I don't know what I was worried about."
8) Make a minor mistake while highlighting. "AAAAHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!! I ruined it!"
9) Turn the mistake into a hat or a bulbous bouffant. "Eh! That looks nice."
10) Finish the piece and rationalize the experience. "I knew that I could do it. This will look great when it's handed out in court. Easy as pie. Mmmmmm, pie.....!"
11) Find a new image and start the process all over again. "Squashed bug doesn't look that difficult. It'll be easy."

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