Saturday, October 5, 2024

Scroll Text - Richard of Baldwinsville - Keystone 2024

 Scroll Text - Richard of Baldwinsville - Keystone 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Service Award

Richard of Baldwinsville, hear these present letters from Bjarki and Gabrielle, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc. It has come to Our notice the notable service done for Ourselves and Our predecessors, as well as for Our good subjects, that We are so moved to take action. Therefore We who not only by common renown but also by the report and testimony of other nobles worthy of credence are truly advertised and informed that you have performed feats of service and have conducted yourself honorably such that henceforth you may be in all places honorably admitted, renowned, counted, numbered, and received among the number and in the company of the Noble Order of the Keystone. And for the remembrance of this We assign to you the right to bear the badge of the Order. In witness whereof We King and Queen of AEthelmearc, as named above, have signed with Our hands and sealed with Our seal and given the fifth day of October in the year of the society 50 and 9, at Our Crown Tourney.

inspired by 1459/60 grant of arms to John Alfrey

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