Monday, October 14, 2024

Happy "Columbus Was A Bastard" Day

This was a post I put on my FB profile on 10/14/24, and FB took it down because they flagged it as spam. "It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way."

Really, FB. This was on my personal page with no links to outside sources, pictures or videos. 

"New" evidence was released, today, that implies that Columbus wasn't Italian; he was a secret Jew born in Spain. The evidence comes from 2001 DNA analasys of what might have been his bones and those of his son and Brother. Might. There is some question as to where his bones were eventually interred.

This is not a new theory; it dates back to the mid 19th Century and was based on two promiant Spanish Jews who funded his first voyage. It gained some noteraity in the '70s with some questionable letters apparetly written by Columbus in Hewbrew, apprently claiming that his mission to the New World was to find a new home for his fellow Jews. Let's ignore that all of the written accounts of his proposals to Italian, Spanish, Portugese, English and French Crowns say that he was looking for a short cut to China and Japan. And that he and his family were devote Catholics and all of the written evidence showing that he, and his family, were from Genoa and did extensive business there before moving to Savona.

There are also competing theories that Columbus was born in Catalan Spain, because he referred to himself as "Christobal Colom" (Colom means "dove" in Catalan). Except that Corombo, his actual family name, also means "dove" in Genoese. As does the Italian Colombo. Columbus is, of course, Latin.

There is also another theory, from 1916, that Columbus was actually Portuguese and was the son of a Salvador Fernandes Zarco. This is based on Columbus's handwriting on certain documents owned by the Vatican.

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