Saturday, September 14, 2024

Scroll Text - Corwin Alexander Templeton - Keystone 2024

 Scroll Text - Corwin Alexander Templeton - Keystone 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Service Award

Come forth good and noble gentles and know the will of Murdoch and Rioghnach, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc. Since human memory is short and does not suffice for a crowd of things, the authority of those who preceded Us has decreed that those things were to be written down which the progress of fleeting time generally removes from the knowledge of nobles. Wherefore let the present, as well as the future, subjects of Our Kingdom know that Corwin Alexander Templeton, Lord, for the reason that he greatly impressed us with his service at Demos and upon the range, and is in all ways a benefit to Us and Our Kingdom, filing his martial reports on time, has incurred Our pleasure. We, therefore, after deliberating with Our Councilors, have agreed to induct the aforesaid Corwin Alexander Templeton into the Noble Order of the Keystone. We do confirm, therefore, this lawful award of Our Royal Majesty onto Corwin, as mentioned above. And wishing this to remain valid for all posterity, We forbid by Royal Edict that any one, with rash daring, infringe it or in any way attempt to violate it; and We validly corroborate this Our decree by the present privilege with Our hands, this 20th day of April, in the fifty-eighth year of the Society, at the Queen's A&S Faire, in Our Barony of the Delftwood.

Inspired by the Gelnhausen Charter; 1180

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