Monday, September 30, 2024

Scroll Text - Aengus MacBain - Court Baron 2024

 Scroll Text - Aengus MacBain - Court Baron 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Court Barony

The King and Queen of AEthelmearc to Aengus MacBain, Knight of AEthelmearc. Since We intent to have a consultation and meeting with the principal Nobles of Our Kingdom with regard to providing remedies against the dangers which are in these days threatening the afore mentioned Kingdom as word has reached our Ears of the invasion of Normans at Pevensey; and on that account have commanded them to be with us on this day of the Feast of St. Wenceslaus at the meeting place called Harvest Raid in Our Shire of Heronteer, to consider, ordain, and do as may be necessary for the the avoidance of these dangers; We would take such steps as We deem fit to add you to the rolls of said Nobles and elevate you from the position of humble Knight to that of Baron of Our Court such that you will have Our authority to command Men, Women, and Nobles in defense of Our Realm. 

Moreover, you shall have full and sufficient power to act as an inspiration to Our subjects and burgesses and shall lead as an example of Service, Kindness, and Courtesey, then and there for doing what shall then be ordained according to the common counsel; so that the aforesaid business shall not remain unfinished in any way for defect of this power, you shall have here a Coronet to wear, to mark you of your new station and this Warrant that We have signed to make Our Words Law. This we have done this 28th day of September, AS59, with marks of Bjarki, King, and Gabrielle, Queen.

Inspired by Summons of Representatives of Shires and Towns to Parliament (1295)

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