Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Scroll Text - Fake It Until You Make It A&S Competition - Summer's End 2024

 Scroll Text - Fake It Until You Make It A&S Competition - Summer's End 2024

Barony of the Rhydderich Hael - A&S Tourney

Sciences are the foundations of all true learning must be laid in study; marked by a broad spirit; accurate scholarship; and careful attention to details. We are well moved by the works of {________________________} and are pleased to name them as the winner of the first Fake It Until You Make It A&S Competition, held at Summer's End, this 31st day of August, AS59, in the Canton of Beau Fleuve. Done by the hands of Magnes and Thalia who signed this warrant as proof of our words so that no one deny their accomplishments.

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