Sunday, March 12, 2023

Ice Dragon Pent 2023

 What an over achiever does.

I have spent the last year working on what I've been calling Mad Cheese Science. But I am done with the documentation.

The last year has been a deep dive into a single recipe in a 15 century rhyming cookbook. All of this was the Ice Dragon Arts and Science Pentathalon:  a large A&S competition that haa multiple categories. The Pent portion is for people who enter five or more of the major categories. There has been a running joke, since I've been in the Barony, that someone could create a single item that is a Pent project it on itself. My Mad Cheese Science is that item. I have done the following for the following categories:

Applied Research: The overall work.
Literary Work: The main documentation and the poem that I created based on my recipe. (two entries)
Culinary Arts: Baking a butt-load of the cheese tarts.
Scribal Arts: My poem calligraphed on pergamenta in a hand similar to the hand used to write the original source.
Performance Arts: Me reciting my poem for the judges who will be standing in for the kitchen staff who might have heard the master chef recite it.

My documentation has been submitted to the Pent coordinator and I have everything printed out and ready to go, with a couple of weeks to spare. All I need to do is bake up the tarts, which I will do the week of the event, so that they don't sit too long in the fridge.

It is now in the hands of the judges (who will be reading through the main documentation prior to the event).

I will publish my documentation after the event. While I would love to win the Pent, I would love to come in 2nd place even more, since one of the things on my bucket list is to win one of my own scrolls. 

This was a fun project to do: I learned a lot, discovered a lot of new rabbit holes, and managed to get friends excited about cheese tarts. The goal is not to win; the goal is to inspire others. I hope that once the judging is complete, my research can inspire others to leap down the rabbit hole on their own journeys to something weird. 

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