Sunday, January 10, 2016

Two more scrolls

Well, I finally got off of my butt and got enough motivation to crack open my scribal kit and start working, again. I have not any any desire to do anything since November, but I was asked to do a pair of Keystones (AEthelmearc AoA level awards for service) for later this year and I want to get them done and out of my hands. 

The 'H' is on the last of my Arches paper and the border is on the new Fluid paper. So far, I can't tell any difference between the two. And, yes, the image on the 'H' is from a period source and it is not the first scroll I've made with it. The weather was bad, today, and I had nothing else to do other than laundry (actually I had a crap ton of stuff to do, but I only did laundry), so I sat on the couch and watched Netflix: I finally watched the Doctor Who Christmas episode, the one with Nick Frost as Santa, some stand-up specials and tried watching a few TV shows that people have been telling me that I would like. I didn't. But, the background noise did help me layout, pencil, ink, erase and start laying down paint. These two should be done and ready for the calligraphy in the next couple of days, oh, and I spent some time, today, creating the words for my good friends, Barney and Fred... Or was it Thelma and Louise? Well, I won't give away the recipients, it will be a surprise for them later this year. 

I think once I started penciling in the images, I got my motivation back. To anyone who might stumble across this blog whom might be thinking about taking up scribal work, it only seems like a lot of work if you never get started. Once you get moving, you will discover that it really isn't a lot of work.

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