Saturday, May 18, 2024

Scroll Text - Joel de Grace - Sycamore 2024

Scroll Text - Joel de Grace - Sycamore 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - A&S Award

Pray attend to the words of the Crown of AEthelmearc. Salutation to all unto whom these present letters from  Murdoch and Rioghnach, most beloved Monarchs of these Sylvan Lands. Forasmuch as We, of Our special grace, in consideration of the true and faithful service which Joel de Grace has done unto Our Kingdom, of which the making of maile and the teaching of the skills of its making is only in part of why We have taken action. Know you all that We have affirmed and awarded unto him a place within our Noble Order of the Sycamore where he and his skills shall thrive and prosper. We further give him leave to wear the badge of the Order as he sees fit for one of his station and further give unto him all said rights and duties of the Order and demand that the Order receive and admit him without delay; and these Our Letters shall be his Warrant. Given by Our hand at War Practice, AS 59. 

Inspired by Signet Letter for the Issue of Letters under the Privy Seal only (20 Nov., 16 Edward IV)

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