Monday, September 2, 2019

No One Likes Fish Puns

Bird Puns Are All the Raven

At the Seven Pearl's Tournament, this past weekend, my last assignment was given out. And by last assignment, I mean my most recent one, not my last one ever. Although, judging by the reactions, it might be the last one I get. Master Po kept punching me after each and every pun. I know that I done good when Master Po, a man who is known in AEthelmearc as a herald and wordsmith who tells bad puns.

I will have to say that THL Zosia, who was the reading herald, enjoyed reading this scroll as much as she hated reading the fish pun scroll from earlier this year. I did not know that people enjoyed bird puns more than fish puns. I will have to make one full of puns about woodland critters and see how it is received.

I did speak with the recipient of this scroll, at the end of the event, and mentally kicked myself: I could have slipped in a kingfisher pun. Still a bird pun but referencing a fish.

I feel sorry for those people living in Kingdoms who use standardized scroll text. They will never know the pleasure, and pain, of hearing 25 bird related puns in a row, while at the same time honoring the mad A&S skills of Aurelid Argentia Prima, the Lady who won.

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