Friday, December 21, 2018


My Final Scroll of the Year.

Finally, it's done. And now that it's done, it doesn't look too bad. That's not me fishing for compliments: I am my own worse critic. 

This is, of course, based on the Charter to Create the colony of New Jersey, and while it's 64 years out of period, it looks really, really nice and I wanted to try my hand doing it.

Whoever made the original must have had robotic hands. And probably didn't have a annoying cat demanding attention while working on it. I took a break from scribal work and Deckster forgot that he needs to sit, quietly, next to me and not start biting my arm. Unfortunately for him, I was wearing a sweatshirt which protected me from his angry biting. As a good friend of mine posted, earlier this year, "Teeth are for food!"

I did this on a spare sheet of pergamenta using a Cross fountain pen loaded with archive-quality blank ink. It took me the better part of a week to do, even though I was just tracing on top of a light box. 

As the title states; this is my final scroll of the year. Number 421. I completed 61 scrolls over the course of the year. Well.... 60 and one in crayon. I have an assignment lined up for Ice Dragon, next April, and I promised to make a replacement scroll, for a friend, that went missing 20 years ago, but nothing else on my watch list. I've done enough scroll blanks, this past year, that I'm in no hurry to jump back into the saddle. 

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