Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Trying out a new gold

It's shiny.

I am testing out some gold paint that Her Majesty gave me at Pax, last month. 

It is shinier than the Holbein gouache I've been using. It also covers better. The top image is two coats of the gold: my Holbein would have required three or four layers for the same coverage. So far, I like it. I just hate the container: it is so light that my brush moves it around when I try to pick up more paint. I have to hold the thing in one hand while I paint, which is un-natural to me, as I tend to hold my drafting board up in the air with one hand while I paint. 

The stuff is easy to use: put a drop of water on the paint and swirl it with the brush, until it is mixed in with enough of the pigment, and start painting. If I continue to have nice experience with it, I might pick up the six pack of gold and silver paint that Fine Tec offers. 

I just found a You-Tube video of you to use the paint that it completely different than how I used it: I'll have to give her technique a try on the next scroll. But, she did say that this paint can be burnished to make it shinier. I'll have to give that a try as well. 

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