Thursday, October 9, 2014

T is for Trencher, which holds many rolls.

I finished up T, this evening. I dropped my brush while working on the dark blue.

Splat! Right on the paper. After a wonderful Anglo-Saxon word that can be used as a verb, adverb, noun and an adjective, I used Mistress Ragnhildr Sthyrmisdottir Caithnes patented method for fixing such mistakes.

1) Blot up as much of the wet paint as possible.
2) Let the paint dry.
3) Let the paint dry some more.
4) Let the paint dry for a few hours. Overnight is best.
5) Using a X-acto knife, carefully scrape away the paint: gently. The idea is to scrape the paint off without removing too much of the paper. Take your time.
6) Using white emery foam (found in the nail care section of your favorite grocery or drug store), sand the paper where you scraped the paint away.
7) Using a smooth stone or a dog tooth tool, smooth the sanded area down.
8) If everything is done correctly, it should look as if you were never clumsy.
9) Eat some bacon to celebrate.
10) Never admit to anyone you made a mistake.

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