Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Scroll Text - Archery Tourney - PAX 2015

Scroll Text - Archery Tourney - PAX 2015

Barony Thescorre - Martial Tourney

Let all those who shall see or hear these present letters know that Sadira bint Wassouf, otherwise called Baroness of Thescorre, send greeting and all humble recommendation. Equity requires and reason ordains that men and women virtuous and possessing of the noble skill of archery be rewarded for their merits and skills by renown and recognition. And therefore I, who not only by common renown but also by the report and testimony of other nobles worthy of credence, am truly advertised and informed that {INSERT NAME HERE} has exceeded and out-shot all others upon the archery range on this day. In witness whereof I, the Baroness of Thescorre above named, have signed this warrant with my hands and sealed with my seal and given the 27th day of June in the fiftieth year of our Society at Pax Interruptus XXXIX and my Investiture.

 inspired by 1459/60 grant of arms to John Alfrey.

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