Sunday, May 21, 2023

Scroll Text - Halfdan Danielson - Gage 2023

 Scroll Text - Halfdan Danielson - Gage 2023

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Martial Award

Do all pay heed to Andreas, by Right of Arms King, and of Kallista, by Grace and Strength Queen, do call upon Our Majesty and the long traditions of Our Sylvan Kingdom and call forward Halfdan Danielson, also known as Bones, warrior, teacher and marshal of renown, and give unto you certain honors and grant you entrance into the Noble Order of the Gage and do order you to take yourself to Our College of Heralds where you and they shall devise such Arms that you and you alone shall bear. And once such Arms have been created, they shall be held by you alone in perpetuity. If indeed anyone should attempt to take those arms from you, or prevent you from taking your rightful place within the aforsaid Noble Order, or dispute Our gift and grant, may they be accursed and cast from AEthelmearc, the Bestest Kingdom, and wander the wilderness until common sense shall return to them. Thus do we mark this warrant with our signs in the year of the Society 58, at AEthelmearc War Practice.

inspired by Charter S5, A.D. 604 x 616. Æthelberht, king, to Mellitus, bishop, and St Paul's minster; grant of land at Tillingham, Essex

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Scroll Text - Caleb Reynolds - Writ for Laurel 2023

 Scroll Text - Caleb Reynolds - Writ for Laurel 2023

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Writ

Wherefore We, Andreas and Kallista, King and Queen not only of AEthelmearc but also of the various Baronies, Cantons, Shires, Colleges, and free lands and the divers peoples over whom We rule by Right of Arms and of Royal Mercy, do summon {VICTIM NAME} into Our Presence. Wherefore We have heard accounts of your pursuit of obscure subjects and have read the papers that you have written about {EXAMPLE + ANOTHER EXAMPLE} are moved to take action on this day of all days and present to you this Writ in which We do command you to seek atonement of any misdeeds and spelling errors you might have done while conducting research, documentation, and experimentation, and prepare yourself to sit Vigil and contemplate entry into the Most Noble Order of the Laurel at a day and time We shall agree upon. And if anyone should attempt to prevent the aforesaid {VICTIM NAME} from making his honest and lawful choice, let them know that they will fearfully render account in the terrible examination of the whole world by Our Judgment. The Coronets and Great Officers will confirm this Writ which We shall sign Andreas, King and Kallista, Queen, at our Coronation at Our Castle in The College of Silva Vulcani, the first day of April, AS 57.

inspired by British Library S 96 - A.D. 757. Æthelbald, king of Mercia, to Eanberht, abbot; grant of 10 hides (cassati) near the wood called Toccan sceaga

Calligraphy by Sophie Davenport. 20% of the wording by Po Silvertop, and the other 80% was written by me. Sophie asked me to provide her with nice words for a writ. The very same writ that was given to me. I have very evil and loving friends.