Saturday, April 22, 2023

Scroll Text - Rannveigr Hrajshvelgsneys - Fleur 2023

 Scroll Text - Rannveigr Hrajshvelgsneys - Fleur 2023

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Fleur de AEthelmearc

Right trusty and welbeloved Rannveigr Hrajshvelgsneys we greet you well and Will and Command that under Our Privy Seal We cause Our letters to be directed to the Clerk of Our Most Noble Order of the Fleur commanding him that under Our said Great Seal he cause Our letters to be made in form following: 

Andreas and Kallista, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc and all of the Baronies, Cantons, Shires, Colleges, and free lands there in to the Most Nobel Order of the Fleur d'Æthelmearc, greetings. Know you that We of Our special grace have certain knowledge and testimony which has moved Us to Give and to Grant license, privilege, and entrance to Rannveigr Hrajshvelgsneys, Lady, into the said Noble Order worthwith so that she may freely use and exercise the Arts and Faculty of the font of knowledge that is the Fleur d'Æthelmearc. 

Furthermore, do We Will and Command that under Our Privy Seal We Cause Our letters to be directed towards Our College of Heralds commanding them that under Our said Great Seal they cause Our letters to be made in form following:

Andreas and Kallista, as above named, send peace and fair words to Our College of Heralds. Know that We, upon this day, do send to you under Our warrant, Rannveigr Hrajshvelgsneys, now Honorable Lady, so that she and the College may devise unique arms for her that We will Grant unto her and only unto her from this day until the end of days. 

Thus do we Andreas and Kallista, as above named, have these, Our Words of Our Will and Command, read into the Court Records so that all may know of Our Will and Command and all shall know that We will not permit or suffer any hindrances or molestation that moves counter to Our Majesty. 

Rannveigr Hrajshvelgsneys, We set into motion these Our letters on the 22nd day of April, in the first year of Our Reign, at our hunting lodge at Blackstone Raid, and pass onto you this Warrant of Our Will and Command which you may use to assist and aid you in your journey to the Most Noble Order of the Fleur and to Our College of Heralds.

Inspired by: Warrants under the signet and privy seals for the issue of letters patent authorizing Shakespeare and his companions to perform plays throughout the realm under royal patronage: Signet seal May 17, 1603

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Scroll Text - King and Queen Choice Pentathalon - Ice Dragon 2023

Scroll Text - King and Queen Choice Pentathalon - Ice Dragon 2023

Barony of the Rhydderich Hael - A&S Tourney

Rejoice good people of the land and hear these words of Arnthor and Ceirech, King and Queen of AEthelmearc. To the nobles and commoners of this, our fair Kingdom, it is Our wish and desire to hold up before all the fair works of the trusty and welbeloved subject Lady Elinor Walden whose skill in the arts and sciences did impress Royal Eyes and so moved hand to paper and name you and your work the Crown's Choice at the Ice Dragon A&S Pentathalon, held on this 25th day of March, AS seven and fifty. And these letters shall be your warrant in this behalf.

Inspired by Henry VII's warrant for an imprest at the receipt of the Exchequer, 10/16/1498

Scroll Text - Pentathalon Baron and Baroness Choice - Ice Dragon 2023

Scroll Text - Pentathalon Baron and Baroness Choice - Ice Dragon 2023

Barony of the Rhydderich Hael - A&S Tourney

Pay heed to the words of Magnus and Thalia. To the nobles and commons of this, our fair Barony, it is our wish and desire to hold up before all the fair works of Mueric ap Gwillim, whose skill in the arts and sciences did impress our eyes and so moved hand to paper and name you and your work Baron and Baroness Choice at the Ice Dragon A&S Pentathalon, held on this 25th day of March, two score and seventeen years after wise elders met at Mistland's Tourney, from which all days are numbered.

 Inspired by Henry VII's warrant for an imprest at the receipt of the Exchequer, 10/16/1498