Friday, June 16, 2017


When Art Imitates Life.

I acquired a new calligraphy pen and made a big mess with it. To be fair, I don't do calligraphy; I do kaligrafy. My penmanship skills are an affront to scribes who can apply ink to paper and make words look beautiful. In any case, bought a Manuscript brand cartridge pen with a refillable cartridge and it leaked over everything. 

Not to worry, fellow scribes, no scrolls were harmed in the making of this blog. I merely ruined a sheet of scrap paper and died my fingers a shade that can be described as "frostbite".

Friday, June 9, 2017

Things that you probably shouldn't put on a scroll

Things that you probably shouldn't put on a scroll, part whatever.

I'm half tempted to use this image for a brewing prize/award. It's from Harley 3140 and shows a teacher instructing two students how to examine a flask of urine. I am half tempted to use this and paint the contents of the flasks anything other than yellow. It would amuse me. I think, assuming that I would use this image, that I would change the background to gold to allow the figures to stand out. But I don't want a stream of anger to splash over my use of the artwork. I know that some people, if they find out the source, would shower me with hate: Gee wiz. I might, if I were to use it, just whip it out and wait for a golden opportunity of a scroll assignment.