Monday, October 14, 2024

Happy "Columbus Was A Bastard" Day

This was a post I put on my FB profile on 10/14/24, and FB took it down because they flagged it as spam. "It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way."

Really, FB. This was on my personal page with no links to outside sources, pictures or videos. 

"New" evidence was released, today, that implies that Columbus wasn't Italian; he was a secret Jew born in Spain. The evidence comes from 2001 DNA analasys of what might have been his bones and those of his son and Brother. Might. There is some question as to where his bones were eventually interred.

This is not a new theory; it dates back to the mid 19th Century and was based on two promiant Spanish Jews who funded his first voyage. It gained some noteraity in the '70s with some questionable letters apparetly written by Columbus in Hewbrew, apprently claiming that his mission to the New World was to find a new home for his fellow Jews. Let's ignore that all of the written accounts of his proposals to Italian, Spanish, Portugese, English and French Crowns say that he was looking for a short cut to China and Japan. And that he and his family were devote Catholics and all of the written evidence showing that he, and his family, were from Genoa and did extensive business there before moving to Savona.

There are also competing theories that Columbus was born in Catalan Spain, because he referred to himself as "Christobal Colom" (Colom means "dove" in Catalan). Except that Corombo, his actual family name, also means "dove" in Genoese. As does the Italian Colombo. Columbus is, of course, Latin.

There is also another theory, from 1916, that Columbus was actually Portuguese and was the son of a Salvador Fernandes Zarco. This is based on Columbus's handwriting on certain documents owned by the Vatican.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Things You Should Not Put On An SCA Scroll

 Things You Should Not Put On A Scroll, part whatever. 

Sometimes, no explanation is needed.

This is a 15 Century German engraving of Aristotle and Phyllis. (Lehrs 1908-34 / Geschichte und kritische Katalog des deutschen, niederländischen und französischen Kupferstichs im XV Jahrhundert (VI.243.64))


Just, no. 

Not even for an equestrian scroll.


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Scroll Text - Richard of Baldwinsville - Keystone 2024

 Scroll Text - Richard of Baldwinsville - Keystone 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Service Award

Richard of Baldwinsville, hear these present letters from Bjarki and Gabrielle, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc. It has come to Our notice the notable service done for Ourselves and Our predecessors, as well as for Our good subjects, that We are so moved to take action. Therefore We who not only by common renown but also by the report and testimony of other nobles worthy of credence are truly advertised and informed that you have performed feats of service and have conducted yourself honorably such that henceforth you may be in all places honorably admitted, renowned, counted, numbered, and received among the number and in the company of the Noble Order of the Keystone. And for the remembrance of this We assign to you the right to bear the badge of the Order. In witness whereof We King and Queen of AEthelmearc, as named above, have signed with Our hands and sealed with Our seal and given the fifth day of October in the year of the society 50 and 9, at Our Crown Tourney.

inspired by 1459/60 grant of arms to John Alfrey

Scroll Text - Julie Alewife - Sycamore 2024

Scroll Text - Julie Alewife - Sycamore 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - A&S Award

Come hear the words of the King and Queen of AEthelmearc, right trusty and welbeloved. Forasmuch as We, of Our special grace, in consideration of the true and faithful service which Our welbeloved subject Julie Alewife hath done unto Us and Our Kingdom, know that We have avowed and award unto her a place within our Noble Order of the Sycamore where We had noticed her absence before hand. We further give her leave to wear the badge of the Order as she sees fit for one of her station and further give unto her all said rights and duties of the Order and demand that the Order receive and admit the aforesaid Julie Alewife without delay; and these Our Letters shall be your Warrant. Given by Our hands at the fields of Our Crown Tournament, the 5th day of October, AS59 and signed with Our marks as:  Bjarki- King and Gabrielle - Queen.

Inspired by Signet Letter for the Issue of Letters under the Privy Seal only (20 Nov., 16 Edward IV)

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Alphabet challenge - ten years later.

 The first four blanks are laid out for the ten year revisit of my alphabet challenge.

What the hell was I thinking. I hated doing knotwork ten years ago; I hate it even more, now.

Alphabet challenge - ten years later.

I think that for my next project I will re-do my scribal alphabet challenge. An inhabited initial scroll from A to Z. I think I will do the same scroll designs that I made in 2014.
Let's see if I can't do all 26 by the end of the year.
I've already done some of these designs, since 2014, but I can turn this into a progression paper.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Scroll Text - Aengus MacBain - Court Baron 2024

 Scroll Text - Aengus MacBain - Court Baron 2024

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Court Barony

The King and Queen of AEthelmearc to Aengus MacBain, Knight of AEthelmearc. Since We intent to have a consultation and meeting with the principal Nobles of Our Kingdom with regard to providing remedies against the dangers which are in these days threatening the afore mentioned Kingdom as word has reached our Ears of the invasion of Normans at Pevensey; and on that account have commanded them to be with us on this day of the Feast of St. Wenceslaus at the meeting place called Harvest Raid in Our Shire of Heronteer, to consider, ordain, and do as may be necessary for the the avoidance of these dangers; We would take such steps as We deem fit to add you to the rolls of said Nobles and elevate you from the position of humble Knight to that of Baron of Our Court such that you will have Our authority to command Men, Women, and Nobles in defense of Our Realm. 

Moreover, you shall have full and sufficient power to act as an inspiration to Our subjects and burgesses and shall lead as an example of Service, Kindness, and Courtesey, then and there for doing what shall then be ordained according to the common counsel; so that the aforesaid business shall not remain unfinished in any way for defect of this power, you shall have here a Coronet to wear, to mark you of your new station and this Warrant that We have signed to make Our Words Law. This we have done this 28th day of September, AS59, with marks of Bjarki, King, and Gabrielle, Queen.

Inspired by Summons of Representatives of Shires and Towns to Parliament (1295)