Monday, March 3, 2025

Scroll Text - Pentathalon Highnesses' Choice - Ice Dragon 2025

  Scroll Text - Pentathalon Highnesses' Choice - Ice Dragon 2025

Barony of the Rhydderich Hael - A&S Tourney

ATTEND US {INSERT NAME HERE____________________________________}

It is the wish and desire of Timothy and Gabriel, Prince and Princess of Sylvan AEthelmearc,  to hold up before your fair work in the arts and sciences did impress royal eyes and so moved hands to paper and name you and your work Highnesses' Choice at the Ice Dragon A&S Pentathalon, held on this XX day of March, AS nine and fifty in the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael. And these letters shall be your warranty in this behalf.

Scroll Text - Pentathalon 1st place - Ice Dragon 2025

 Scroll Text - Pentathalon 1st place - Ice Dragon 2025

Barony of the Rhydderich Hael - A&S Tourney

Do all here present pay heed to the words of Magnus and Thalia, Baron and Baroness of the Rhydderich Hael and of the Canton of Beau Fleuve. To the nobles and commons within hearing or seeing these letters, it is our wish and desire to hold up before all the fair works of the trusty and welbeloved artisan, {INSERT NAME HERE}, whose skill in the arts and sciences did impress our eyes and so moved hand to paper and name them and their work Grand Winner of the Ice Dragon A&S Pentathalon, held on this 5th day of April, AS nine and fifty. And these letters shall be your warrant in this behalf.

Inspired by Henry VII's warrant for an imprest at the receipt of the Exchequer, 10/16/1498

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Scroll Text - Ana Sirena de Valbuena - Scyamore 2025

Scroll Text - Ana Sirena de Valbuena - Scyamore 2025

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - A&S Award

All good and true citizens of AEthelmearc these present letters seeing or hearing, greetings from Bjarki and Gabrielle, King and Queen right well beloved. In recognition of the works that our dear subject Ana Sirena de Valbuena has rendered to Us, Our lands, and Our subjects, works of beading and embroidery, of illumination and calligraphy, of singing and sewing, We hereby offer to her admission in Our Nobel Order of the Sycamore, which confers the right to display the insignia of the order, fieldless, three sycamore leaves conjoined in pall per pale gules and Or. Furthermore, we charge her with continuing her work and improving her skills to the betterment of fair AEthelmearc. Done by Our hands, this 1st day of February, AS 58, in Our Barony of Delftwood at the Feast of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Delftwood Barony Fencing Champion - 2025

 Delftwood Barony Fencing Champion - 2025

Barony of Delftwood - Martial Champion

{________________________________}, do hear the words of Thorbjorn and Othindisa, Baron and Baroness of Industrious Delftwood. Know that you have caught our eyes with the skill of arms which you have shown within the rapier lists on this day. Your demeanor within the list, both with sword and with chivalry did impress us. So impressed are we that we are moved to name you, above all others, as our Baronial Rapier Champion. Let these letters be your warrant to take up a position as one of our champions. Done on this first day of February, AS 59, at the Imbolc Feast of the Seven Deadly Sins, at our hunting lodge in the Canton of Dunloch.

Scroll Text - Artemius of Hunter's Home - Award of Arms 2023

  Scroll Text - Artemius of Hunter's Home - Award of Arms 2023

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Award of Arms

All shall know of the honor and grace do We, Arnthor and Ceirich, King and Queen of Æthelmearc, call before us Artemius of Hunter's Home. Service and duty he gives with grace and dignity on and off of the fields of battle. Therefore, by the authority of the Crowns We wear, We ordain and command that Artemius, as mentioned above, be at once admitted into the ranks of nobility and shall be called a Lord and also do We Award him the following Arms: Per pale sable and vert, on a plate a leaf vert. And if it happens that We hear of any shenanigans towards Our Command, We decree that such person, by assent of Our authority, pay a fine equal to their station. This we proclaim on the 25th day of February, AS 57, at the Bears Event in Our Shire of Hunter’s Home.

Inspired by the Statuta Armorum, c. 1260

Scroll Text - Mikael ibn Melhem ibn Yusuf al-Uqlidsi - Gage 2023

 Scroll Text - Mikael ibn Melhem ibn Yusuf al-Uqlidsi - Gage 2023

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - Martial Award

Salutations to all gentles these present letters from Andreas and Kallista to the Coronets, Nobles and freemen of Our domain, greetings. It has come to Our notice the tremendous skill of armor and shield, of sword and spear, within the tourney and upon the field and with all the noble skill of arms that a man shall learn. Thus, be it known that we have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant for us and our heirs to our wellbeloved subject, Mikael ibn Melhem ibn Yusuf al-Uqlidsi, entrance into our Order of the Gage and do grant him arms that he shall bear from this day until the world's end without let or hindrance. In witness whereof we have caused to be made these Our letters. Witnessed at the Bog Three Day, the 15th day of July, AS 58 in the Barony of St Swithin's Bog. 

based on the "Letters Patents of King Henry the Seventh Granted unto Iohn Cabot and his Three Sonnes, Lewis, Sebastian and Sancius for the the Discouerie of New and Unknowen Lands" and a letter from Henry VII to the dean and chapter of Wells, dated April 9, 1495.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Scroll Text - Thorir of Ætt Skyti - Golden Stirrup 2025

Scroll Text - Thorir of Ætt Skyti - Golden Stirrup 2025

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - A&S Award

Salutations to all unto whom these words shall come. Know you all that the feats of skill and labor of Thorir of Ætt Skyti has has been well observed. His knowledge of armor, clothing, and of all things a Norseman might know has pleased the minds and hearts of the Crown. Thus do We, Bjarki, King by Right of Arms, and Gabrielle, Queen of flashing blades, are moved to induct Thorir into the Most Noble order of the Golden Stirrup. We forbid that any one, with rash daring, infringe Our decree or in any way attempt to violate it; and We corroborate this, Our decree, signed by Our Hands and witnessed by those who are present on this the 11th day of January, AS 58 at the Kingdom 12th Night Tournament at Our castle in the Shire of Coppertree.