Saturday, July 2, 2016

Challenge Accepted!

Challenge Accepted!

Today, Baroness Alex, Challenged me to complete three scroll assignments by Pax, next week. Okay: they are actually for Pennsic and she wanted to know if I could get the scrolls to War and into Their Majesties's hands early in the week. I said that I could give them to Them at Pax. She asked, and I quote, "that's a week away, are you sure??" Sounds like a challenge to me. 

She gave me the assignments at 14:23, this afternoon, and at 23:43, the wording for all three scrolls are done and the illumination for the first is done. And I took the time to have a lovely dinner of cheese manicotti. I might use one of my blanks if I can't find inspiration, but I think that I can get all three done this weekend.  

Here's the problem: The assignments are for Moe, Larry and Curly. Not their real names, of course; you understand. I know Moe and Curly, so finding images that will compliment them was easy. Moe like spears and weird drolleries, and I knew I had this image in my archives, although I appear to have painted a Blue Meanie.... Perhaps I can put a small, yellow submarine somewhere on the page.

Curly will require something that starts with a 'G' to go with the awesome wording I created. I know what I could use, but I might find something better, tomorrow. 

Larry, on the other hand: I don't know. If I can't find inspiration for a person I've never met, I'll use a generic blank and paint in the thing that Larry will be receiving for being a wise-guy.

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