Friday, August 3, 2018

Keystone Scroll Complete

It Kept Me Out of Trouble For a Few Days.

If I am allowed to be honest about my work: I like how this turned out. I was not feeling good about it, while I was working on it. I didn't like how the background was blotchy, I used the wrong shade of gray for the base. I was quite expecting to throw this one out, and start over from scratch. But, now that it's done, the flaws don't seem so bad.

This scroll is based on Charleville-Mézières, Bibl. mun., ms. 0255, f. 248

I love how these pages look: the pale red and yellow backgrounds look nice. Since they were mostly unpainted, I can choose whichever colors I want. And they are almost tailor made for AEthelmearc. Most of the images have leaves can be painted into Sycamores. A few have elks, which can be painted into Golden Alces. This one I turned into a Keystone (see the previous post). 

I left the 'O' blank because I really like how the white stands out on top of the red and yellow.

I left the 'P' white on this one, as well, for the same reason. Looking at these two scroll from across the room, the white really stands out without overshadowing the background.

I painted the 'P' on this one green and it just looks busy. This was scroll # 198. I might do this one, again, only without the green. I have another 13 pages of this manuscript to do. 

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