Saturday, April 13, 2024

Scroll Text - Scheiny of Dalhraidia - Sycamore 2023

Scroll Text - Scheiny of Dalhraidia - Sycamore 2023

Kingdom of AEthelmearc - A&S Award

Come hear the words of Gareth and Juliana, King and Queen of Sylvan AEthelmearc. We have heard the twisted tale of Scheiny of Dalhraidia, of how she has spun heads with her incredible weaving skills. When We heard of her work, We were hooked, for she is knot your average lady. Unraveling the secrets of inkle and tablet weaving, never a-frayed to intertwine art and science together in a way that is sew amazing. We see that tales of her skills were not fabricated, and We have seen the patterns of her knowledge as she sits quietly working, always telling the truth; never spinning yarns. We could stretch this out longer but We must wrap this up for we be-weave that she should be inducted into the tight Knit Order of the Sycamore and give to her the badge of the Order that she might keep as an heir-loom. And should anyone disagree with Our decision, We shall up-braid them most severely. Done on this 27th day of January, AS58, at BMDL's 12th Night Celebration.

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