Friday, March 20, 2020

And Then That Happened

They Will Stay Sharp, Until They Are Needed.

So, my knife sharpener died, just when I started to work on my throwing gear prior to the season starting. It was a small grinding wheel with guides for various types of blades, and I got my money's worth out of it. After a good ten years of use, the motor burned out. I was unable to find that particular kit. But a YouTube video recommended a hand-held belt sharpener:

It went on sale and had some good reviews. So, I bought one. And it is worth the money. I easily sharpened all of my thrown weapons. Then ran through my Barony's loaner gear. Not razor sharp, but sharp enough to bite into butts and to get rid of all of the burrs and divots on the blades. It took me about 20 minutes to work through all of the weapons in the picture. Good enough for throwing knifes and axes.

Then I need more to sharpen.

I went through the Hael's kitchen knives and honed all of the non-serrated blades. The sharpener will sharpen serrated blades, but they didn't need any major work, just a fine pass on the flat edge. The sharpener defiantly put a keen edge on these blades. Now, they all could slice paper beforehand; but that is not an indication of how sharp a knife is. They just needed touch ups so that they could slice through a ripe tomato as if it was butter.

But, I wasn't though. Years ago, a friend dragged me to the closing auction of the Robinson Tool and Knife factory. They made blades for a lot of companies, including RubberMaid, Ginsu and CutCo. I thought I was bidding on a box of knives.... It was a pallet. A pallet full of knives and other things. The rubber-handled knives in the Hael kitchen are from this auction. I also have a box of knives that weren't finished: they hadn't gone through the sharpening stages when the company shut down. My new sharpener ground down some of the dull blades into dangerously sharp blades.

I highly recommend this sharpener. All of our kitchen knives are ready for our Kingdom A&S Faire, next month.

Unfortunately, all of our upcoming events are canceled or on hold until the COVID19 shut down is over.

Still. The axes and knives won't get dull sitting in their respective bag and box. Thrown weapons season will open, again, and we will have an event, again. It might not be for a few months, but life will return to normal.

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