Monday, March 23, 2015

Post Ice Dragon WooHoo!

I won two of the three categories that I had entered: BEV3 Single Cordials (Cinnamon water) and BEV4 Single Other, non-alcoholic (Lemonade). And I received some nice comments from my judges. And Her Majesty left a red feather on my scroll  and Mistress Orianna Fridrikskona picked my Lemonade as her choice for the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences's Choice for the best thing since baked bread (pre-sliced bread is not period). And I got challenged to a duel to the death by the latest youth fencer of AEthelmearc. I told her that if I win I get all of her toys, but since I'm an adult and have no toys, if she wins she gets to pay off my mortgage. For some reason, she wasn't happy with that; I don't know why. But, here is a picture with cats: